Thursday, July 7, 2016

Timelining your project

Okay so the next thing I want to talk about is time lining your project. It is very important to look at a glance in full of where you really want to go with your project. When you think about what you want to write keep in mind that in order to complete your story you will need a timeline organized events. Thinking about your timeline you typically won't include key occurrences that you want to take place during your story. A linear timeline shows the picture of the vents as they occurred in a certain period of time. So after you've gotten everything that you want to take place in a story now you are ready to leave them out in chronological order to create a timeline. Mark the starting point and what happened in the beginning as well as marking the other important points and what happened. Writing a story I typically think about 10 things at least that I would like to occur during the course of my story. Keep in mind that you won't be able to include every little thing single thing that happened but can choose what's most important or interesting to you. One important strategy to remember is that you can always step back from your timeline and ask yourself a few questions. For example, what does the sequence of events suggest to the story, or how did the earlier events affect the later ones. A lot of times when writing using your timeline is a lifesaver. When online and your story, just focus on making it from the beginning to the end you can always come back and clean up what's in between. When I write books I'll shoot for around 200 to 250 pages because that's a decent enough size to get the Story told. As a word from the wise your first chapters has to be your best chapter or at least one of them. Remember that when people pick up your book they look at the cover they look at the first few pages and then make a decision right then and there if they want to continue. Remember that the best books always keep the reader thinking about how I'm going to solve the mystery or what's a good book going to happen next in the book. A good books greatest component is going to be its twists and turns keeping the reader guessing about the next sequence of events to happen. Too many aspiring authors used the first chapter for throat clearing, when it clearly can't work that way. Chapter one has to be the big open. When writing once you have a structure in mind, the rest is a piece of cake. In each book i write, I know that the chapter will be around 10 written pages. By glancing at the page count I know how far into the story I should be at any given time. If I'm near the end but haven't made my point then I always can go back and edit. If I'm near the beginning and I've said all that I have to say then I must determine if I'm doing the story Justice or whether maybe I defined my chapter too scarce and have written myself into a corner. No matter what, the structureof the story keeps it strong.

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